The Roe Family
Jordan, Bethany, Madelyn, Kirsten, and Harper
At Mission Community Church, you can truly come as you are, but expect to leave changed. If you know the Roe family, you know that this isn’t just how they view church, but how they view life and family. Jordan and Bethany have three girls, Madelyn, Kirsten, and Harper, and they desire to raise their children in an environment where everyone, regardless of background or status, is welcomed, loved, and brought into community. The Roes understand firsthand that life isn’t an easy road, but have also experienced how the grace and love of Jesus transforms even the bleakest of situations.

Pastors Jordan and Bethany Roe have been in ministry most of their married life and helped start a church south of Nashville in 2006 and continued to serve and lead in that region until 2017. While the Roes had much vision for the future in Tennessee, God had other plans. After much prayer and counsel, they determined to move their family to south Florida on the adventure of a lifetime and begin something new—a church that is helping reaching people far from God by loving the city one person at a time.
Jordan and Bethany are trying to raise a family that believes that God’s love changes everything, and they would be honored to join your family in the journey.